
Design Problem: Following the specified requirements, create an animatronic exhibit that would be seen in a History of Space Exploration Museum.

Eligibility is three (3) teams of two to three (2-3) team members per state

Design Problem is in Canvas under "Competition Event Material".

Theme: Students will develop a podcast focused on personal development, motivation, or coaching. 

Topic: Microplastics have long been a concern for their effects on marine ecosystems, but recently, scientists have discovered their existence in Antarctic snow, on the tops of mountains, in the air, and even in our blood. Research one source of microplastics (i.e., clothing, vehicle tires, manufacturing, plastic degradation, etc.) and document their effects on organisms and the environment, as well as what is being done to mitigate these effects.  

Theme: Adventure book. Students will use each page to help unlock a clue/experiment/activity at the end of the book. 

The following programming languages may be used to complete the assigned problems: 

Additional languages may become available as we near the conference.

Participants will be presented with a series of coding problems that must be completed on site at the conference. Evaluation will be based on the successful completion of the problems and the time in which it takes students or teams to complete all the challenges.

In addition to the specific HS Coding competition rules and regulations, students also must adhere to TSA’s general rules (found in the HS competitive events guide).

The USA Computing Olympiad website and the ACM-ICPC International website are helpful resources for the Coding event. Additional resources that can be used to prepare for the event are listed below:


File is in Canvas under "Competition Event Material".

Topic: Technology in Infrastructure 

Theme: Epic or high fantasy - defined by the epic nature of its setting or satire of characters, themes, or plot. It is set in an alternative, fictional world. 

Design Challenge Requirements: Car body must have horizontal wings extending from both sides at front and rear. Maximum vehicle total width cannot exceed 90mm.  

File is in Canvas under "Competition Event Material".

Theme: Advance Health Informatics 

Theme: Avant-Garde. Avant-Garde is characterized by a radical approach. It values aesthetic innovation and unorthodox and experimental approaches. It often combines fabrics of different textures and shapes to result in clothing that is affordable and artistic.  The prototype garment can be one (1) piece or two (2) to four (4) separate pieces. 

Theme: Research a local, regional, state, or national Ecosystem Issue 

Theme: An item that could be used to represent a TSA state delegation at a trade show. It could be a giveaway or a tabletop promotional item. 




A. The interview

Refer to the official rating form for more information.



D. Musical Piece

4. There will be a five (5)-point deduction for:

     a. each fifteen (15) seconds under the one (1)-minute minimum

Theme: Forced Perspective, Long Exposure, Architectural, and Abstract Photography (incorporate one photo using each of these types of photography in the portfolio)  

Theme: 2024 National TSA Conference Theme, “Evolution of Excellence”

Theme: Develop promotional materials for a leadership development program for high school students. The program will consist of 6 two-hour sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September to March.  Students must apply by August 15th and 25 students will be selected to participate.   You will need to design and produce recruitment documents for students, a flyer, and an application. 





F. A list of twelve (12) semifinalists (in random order) is posted.

Files are in Canvas under "Competition Event Material".

Design Problem:  Research and present a modern motor home/RV/camper. 

Theme: Fantasy Adventure game

Theme: Create a virtual reality (VR) simulation that will help assist children to become more active and healthier. 

Topic: Green energy initiatives are important to reduce the negative effects of fossil-fuels on the environment. There are many renewable energy programs promoted and listed by the Environmental Protection Agency and they promote various incentives for homeowners to include more green and clean energy solutions in their homes. 

Challenge: Develop a website that compiles information for homeowners on green and clean energy home solutions and other initiatives. The website should provide basic information, cost, tax rebate information, and clean/green energy practices.